Starry Night 2019 Spring Gala Catalog

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Displaying items 25 - 36 of 144 in total

$400 Gift Certificate towards Mi...

Brow Club

$50 Barons Meats Gift Card

Barons Quality Meats

$50 Escape from NY PIzza GIft Ce...

Escape From New York Pizza

$50 for goods at Gott's Roadside...

Gott's Roadside

$50 Gift Card for Flywheel Coffe...

Flywheel Coffee Roaster

$50 Gift Card for Fresca Restaurant

Fresca Restaurant

$50 Gift Certificate for Sports ...

Sports Basement

$50 Gift Certificate to Moshi Moshi

Moshi Moshi

$50 Gift Certificate to Pono Bou...

Pono Boutique

$50 Two Birds Gift Certificate

Two Birds

$50 worth of Gift Cards for Mitc...

Mitchell's Ice Cream

$50 worth of Gift Certificates f...

Diamond Cafe


Adopt Roof-Top Soccer Area * $3,000

Adopt Library * $2,500

Platinum Sponsorship * $2,000 and above

Gold Sponsorship * $1,000 to $1,999

Silver Sponsorship * $500 to $999

Friends of St. Philip's * Donations under $500